Friday, January 25, 2008

Best Kept Secret on the Internet

Well maybe it is not such a secret! I logged into my Youtube account today and was looking at videos I have posted and found this video that I forgot about. Apparently, I left it as public and it has had 22 views!!

(click on the word video to play the video)


russandkatie said...

that one never gets old - the one of reeslyn singing on the toilet is public and it has over 100 hits... yikes I need to figure out how to make it private!

amy said...
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amy said...

You go girl! This totatlly cracks me up every time - it never gets old!

Anonymous said...

Um....HELLO! I was reading the comments before I watched the video and was dying to see what the video was....until I saw it was of me. What was that doing on youtube?????Excuse me! I didn't give my permission...please delete that from your files immediately!!!!!