Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Revival of the Bunkbeds

Now Reeslyn and Mallory will sleep on the same bunkbeds that their dad slept on when he was a kid.


Jessica said...

those look so cute painted!

russandkatie said...

If anybody sees any cute matching twin bedskirts with the pink and/or green colors that's in their room let me know. Preferably for really cheap :)

Nana said...

the beds look so cute. I was worried at how my mess of painting them would respond to fixing up. russ--see why I hang on to things!!!!

Anonymous said...

The beds look great!!!!

amy said...

Very nice! When can I spend the night?

Spencer and Marlee said...

those beds are cute. Which one is sleeping on yhe top?

russandkatie said...

Reeslyn has already slept on the top 3 nights in a row now, she loves it. Russ was so nervous for her to sleep up there but so far she has done great. I'm sure when Mallory gets booted from the crib though they are going to be fighting over the top :)

russandkatie said...

Amy, Reeslyn said you can spend the night tonight!